Friday, May 27, 2011

Work Out - Part 2

"So, Forrest," said my 45 year old son in law, "What ya got going today?  Put me to work!" 

Wasn't it wonderful to be 45 years old and full of energy?  There were so very many nails driven and screws set during that era of my life.  Ideas - Projects - Activity.  I'm sure most of the work has been demolished or remodeled beyond recognition by new owners, but it doesn't matter - what matters is that it was built.  By me.  I made a mockery of the Third Law of Thermodynamics everywhere I went.  I built.  These days it takes a rather healthy shove to get me started on a new project.  Shane was up to the task. 

"Well, Shane, I've been wanting to dig out the last two stumps so I can plant new trees," I told him.  "And, one of these days I plan to tear down that cross fence that divides the back yard.  I want to level the area where the last guy kept his dog and lay some sod." 

"Cool', he said, Where's your tools?"

"In the garage - your guess is as good as mine.  Try somewhere around the end of the workbench for the larger stuff - shovels and what not.  The smaller junk is on the bench or somewhere in an unmarked box.  Good luck."

Fifteen minutes later he emerged from the den of confusion carrying an armload of tools and started digging.  I watched for several minutes as he applied the shove of guilt.  I guess I applied that all by myself; I hate watching someone do my work while I'm kicking back with a cup of coffee.  Not quite awake, I fumbled with the sliding door, then stumbled over to where he was digging up the universe.  A black hole could not have kept up with the way he was annihilating matter in his path.  I'm just saying, the shovel was a blur.  Guess my coffee hadn't quite kicked in yet. 

Soon, both stumps had been pulled, the fence had been demolished and the pavers and rocks that defined a no longer needed path had disappeared.  I managed to wake up in time to help stack the excess lumber along the side of the house.  As the wax slowly melted from my eardrums - for you youngsters, that's a morning fact of life in an old guys life.....get used to the idea - I heard him ask, "What's next?" 

"Let's take a break while I think about it", I replied.  So I sat while my brain continued to spool up to speed, and drank deeply (and slowly) from my second cup of coffee while he fidgeted.   Finally, I felt I was in control of both my brain and mouth.  "Well, Carolyn picked out a couple of trees she likes when we went to the nursery the other day.  I guess we can run over and pick them up.  Then we can put them in the ground."

For the second time this morning he said,  "Cool.  Let's do it."  So we did.

I knew what was coming next from his mouth, as we finished all the work I had planned to keep me busy for the next couple of months, so I headed him off at the pass.  "Hey, I've got an idea.  Let's go see some of the town." 

Youth knows no limits.  I was hobbling, two bluish pills had passed from my mouth to my stomach.  "Cool", he said.  "Let's do it.  I'll help get Mom ready to go."

To Boomer:  Sorry, but blogger has decided  I am no longer worthy of commenting on my own blog!  I'll try to fix it.  Meanwhile,  I think I saw the guy you mentioned when I turned 60 and he adjusted gravity higher again.  I was waiting, gun in hand, for him the day I turned 65.  He's a pretty sneaky guy; he waited until time for my nap before rushing in to crank it up some more.  I hope you neutralize him before my 70th.  Can't stand much more!

1 comment:

  1. Forrest, I wouldn't consider 45 "young." But I do seem to remember that about age 50, some joker turned up the gravity; and he hiked it again at 55. We need to find that guy :-)
