Sunday, May 1, 2011

If I Ruled the World

Well, we got 'em.  He's toast, bit the dust, the fat lady just sang.  Now what? 

This might sound a little crazy, but what's wrong with simply declaring victory and pulling ALL our troops in the region back home?  Right now, at this time, we have the only perfect opportunity to win this thing that will ever come down the road.  Let's just do it.

I know, why do I hate America so much?  Don't I know we have to continually drop bombs and blow up missiles all day, every day of the year?  Somebody, somewhere must die everyday in some far off place so our defense industry can survive.  Selling arms to everyone in the world just won't cut it for them, we're the only country capable of printing enough money to feed these guys.  Unless the good ol' US of A buys and explodes munitions at the rate of a couple of million bucks an hour,  our fat cat arms merchants will go belly up.

Already, we are being prepared to fight on til the last of our enemies is face down in the dust.  Everyone from the Prez to Andy Card has managed to find his way to a TV camera and said we must continue this good fight, and we're gonna hear much more of the same for the next month or so.  Ol' Ben was just the figurehead.  We've got to get every last mothers son in the Arab world just to be sure.  Oh - maybe after we've done that, maybe we should sterilize all the females of child bearing age.  Ya know, just to be sure.  (We may have missed one of those little Devils.)  It comes as no surprise, we can't just be happy winning.  We have to DESTROY these swarthy people.  It's God's will.  It must be, 'cause he's on our side. Allah is on the other side.  God is fighting Allah, and we are His worthy tools.  GIVE ME A BREAK.  Give us all a break. 

Let's just win this thing.  End it now before we manage to snatch defeat from the victory we won today.  It's all gonna be down hill from here, and we're gonna lose this war if we don't stop it now.


  1. Now that's a rant that I can't agree with. We can either seek them out and stop them there, or we can deal with their acts when they happen here. If we just pull back and do nothing, they will still hate us and they will still attack us. I don't want our troops in Iraq or Afghanistan any more than you do, but I'd a lot rather our troops get in the middle of their business there, than watch the emergency responders mopping up the messes here while everyone wonders why we didn't do anything to stop them.

    Sorry, but that's the way the world is. It's a very broken place. We're never going to all hold hands and sing kum-ba-yah. We can either protect ourselves proactively, or we can cower and wonder what's going to happen next. I prefer the former and it has nothing to do with defense industry.

  2. A very valid point of view, old friend. But, to my way of thinking, there comes a time in any fight when the winner can quit. This, again in my opinion, is the time in this fight.

    There is only so much that can be done against an enemy who melts away into the general population in his home country. We've made many more choose to become combatants because we wear very large boots. As we step on the enemy, in their territory, the boot injures innocents. Let them try to bring it to us. We'll know who they are. We learned this lesson once before, during the sixties and early seventies. I still remember it.

    This time, at last, there is a difference. We really have accomplished the goal we set for ourselves, we have killed the ringleader. We have won. When another head appears on this Hydra, we'll need to lop that one off too.

    But, for now, let's give it a rest and see what happens. Maybe, if we leave them alone, our troops can refresh themselves. There is no end to this if we continue on our present course. Again, I am reminded of Viet Nam. It's time to change tactics, and it should be done with our heads held high, not with our tails between our legs.

  3. Oh my, a win and a decision to move on. Yet, terrorists have been increasingly spread all over the world, looking to do harm to any country they believe needs to be taught a lesson. Scary.

  4. Yes, Rosaria, Jeff has a very valid poimt and so do you. What else is there for us? Do we just continue to indiscrimately maim and kill anyone who happens to be in the line of fire?

    If inocent fathers are our vitctims, the children will become terrorists and vice versa. There is no end to this. If, on the other hand, we quit meddeling in their affairs, let them slaughter each other, and generally mind our own business, maybe most of them will just go away of their own accord. Why is it we must medddle and try to impose our values on a bunch of goat herders? They have no conception, and no way of aquiring knowledge of our viewpoint.

    They are better at killing each other than we are and if they're doing the killing we can't be blamed. There's a total power vaccum in the middle east right now, and we can wait them out. When it settles down over there, just maybe the good guys will be in control.

    If not, we can then blow up the newbies. Sooner or later, we'll get the right combination. They can't beat us - we can turn all the sand to glass if that's what is required.

    I am not a hand wringing, chanting wearer of a robe pacifist. I am a realist, and I can not for the life of me see how continuing our present policies will help solve the problem.
