Thursday, May 5, 2011

A day in the Life Of

Another weird day today.  They seem to happen more and more often.  Carolyn fell getting out of the shower so the first order of business was a trip to Bigbox lumber for another grab bar.  They're starting to sprout  inside this joint like the spring flowers outside.  The troubling part is they are always a reaction to a fall.  I can't seem to place them where they're needed before the event.  No foresight - I'm used to that character flaw, it's why I no longer have any stock market holdings.  I've found more creative ways to invest, ones where the rules are not made by and for the benefit of the 1%.

Naturally, the Chinese screws used to install the bar were made of softer metal than the Phillips point on my drill/driver and after driving the first three about half way in, the heads melted.  So, out came the vise-grip pliers, an item I'm using way more often these days. Just before twisting my hand off my arm, the melted head screws were removed.  I went to Ace hardware and obtained stainless steel screws of the same size, which went into the wall with ease, although I altered not one bit my method of driving them.  Yes, folks, it was the CCC screws, not the technique I have perfected over a lifetime of driving screws.

After the trip and installation of the new devise, it was time for Carolyn's bone density scan.  Yeah, her Doctors are also worried about falls, and are looking to see just how her bones will hold up.  Had I been asked, I would have told them "Not very well - just look at data on bones of the class of females her age."  My prediction of her condition will come very close to that predicted by the scan, and is much cheaper.  Too bad they don't pay for astute advice. 

When we got back home, it was time to take my blood pressure reading on a cool little machine I was given the other day, for the third time.  One more reading to go be fore I can sleep tonight.  That little gem was provided to me because I flunked the BP test at my new Medicare doctors office the other day.  After taking the readings, I noticed his rapidly widening eyes and told him not to worry - I had run out of my BP and Cholesterol meds.  Everything should be hunky-dory if only he would prescribe more of the three meds missing from the bottles I handed to him. 

That was another way to save a little taxpayers money on Medicare, but it was met with resistance and an order to go see a tech, grab a machine and report back.  If my BP doesn't blow up something I need before the next appointment, it too will work out just fine. 'Course there is the little matter of an extra couple of Doctor visits and the machine that must be paid by the taxpayers.  Thanks, guys, I really didn't need it.

Next, it was time to cook dinner and rush out the door for Carolyn's new Bible study class.  Then, American Idol, Carolyn's bedtime and now, alone in front of the computer.  Just an average day in the life of a retired guy.  Sure glad I don't have a day job any more.  Too busy. 

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