Saturday, January 22, 2011

Treasure Hunt

Shopping has never been one of my favorite things.  In fact it easily makes my top ten list of "Things I Hate But Must Do."  It's right up there with picking up dog poop. 

I have learned to limit trips to the grocery store to about three every two weeks.  I buy clothes maybe twice a year and will not need shoes for the rest of my life.  In this regard, Ralph Nader is a personal hero.  It is a little known fact that he once bought ten or twelve pairs of combat boots and has worn them everyday for years.  That's right - to press conferences, the opera and to testify before congress.  I am proud of the fact I have five pair of sturdy workboots, four pair of them still new in the box, stacked in the corner of my closet.  My feet will probably wear out long before my boots and I intend to bequeth the ones that are left after my passing to the next Consumer Crusader.  Hope he wears a size 9 1/2 D.  Most of the other stuff we need is purchased online and delivered to our front door.  It's our personal contribution to help make the planet green.  The UPS truck was going to come within a block of our door anyway so it may as well drop something here too.  Save the whales!  Or maybe that's the wrong slogan???  At my age I get them mixed up.

When I do need to visit a store I go with a list in hand.  I also try to anticipate my needs for the next two or three months and attempt to cram all my shopping for that period into the one horrible shopping day no matter how many different stores I have to enter to buy the stuff on my list.  I enjoy being in a good mood and nothing will take that mood from me faster than a trip down any aisle in any store so I keep these days to a minimum..  Have I mentioned I hate to shop?  There is, however, one brighty shinning exception to everything I just said.  That execption is COSTCO! 

What it is that makes Costco different is hard to define.  Maybe it's the wide aisles, or it might be the thrill of dodging the forklifts that travel those aisles.  It could be the fantastic snacks offered at every other corner or the mile high stacks of paper goods.  Certainly not having to choose from twenty-eight different brand names of the same product enters the equation.  All you really need is the best of whatever it is you're buying and I never have understood why there are so many different brands of, say, soy sauce in a regular grocery store. Is it a plot to make you pay more for less of something?  I always try to figure out if 18 ounces of something that sells for $3.14 is a better buy than 1.4 litres of the same thing at $4.32.  Ya know, it just makes a right brained guy wanna scream.

The conclusion I have reached as to why I personally enjoy Costco so much is that it is a treasure hunt!  If you get out of the grocery aisles and look at the other stuff it's amazing what you can find.  And if you come back tomorrow it might be gone, never to be replaced.  Someone else took it home.  Today was Costco day and we found a sofa/lounger/bed kinda thingy that will fit our new office.  We took our treasure home with us and boy are we happy pirates!


  1. Woohoo! A Costco trip. I always liked the Sams Club and Costco trips almost as much as I hated shopping everywhere else. Once the kids were grown, it wasn't worth the cost of membership or the drive to Santa Fe or Albuquerque, so I don't go anymore. In a very small way, I almost miss them.

  2. I;m with you on Costco. Except, our closest Costco is 140 miles in Eugene. I've enjoyed reading about your adjustment to rainy Oregon from New Mexico. We came up from California and there isn't a winter when I don't make a trip back to soak up som unadultered sunshine. Thanks for your visit to sixtyfivewhatnow.

  3. Jeff - I never could fall in love with Sam's. Don't know why. It's almost the same.

    Rosaria - Welcome to my small corner of the world. I've been to see you a couple of times and will be back! We need to convince the biggies at Costco to put a store over on the coast.

  4. I adore Costco, I used to work there along with several family members. One son is still a Costco employee. One of the best things about spending money there is knowing that you are supporting a company that treats its employees right. The pay scale, benefits, promotions from within-- it's an excellent company to work for.

    Thanks for your kind comment on my blog post, and I am so sorry to hear about your dad and about your wife's illness.

  5. Karen, so did I! I worked as a traffic scheduler at the Tracy, CA depot. I got the job just to tide me over after losing my business during a nasty divorce. They were very good to me and I wound up spending eight years with them. Sure missed shopping there during the time we spent in New Mexico. Grief, I believe, is part of the growing process. It is probably one of the most difficult aspects of life we all must come to terms with, and I sincerely hope you cope well.
