Saturday, January 29, 2011


The mutt woke me up this morning.  Usually I am moving around before he's ready to take care of his morning business but I was up until the wee hours trying to get a handle on what we will owe the government on April 15th and did not get out of the sack til his paws, scratching the side rail of the bed, started my day.  It's kind of a pleasant way to wake up.  He was groomed a couple of days ago so he still looks sorta cute and being only two years old, he's always full of energy.  It's contagious.  Something a couple of old timers like Carolyn and I need to have around us.

I grabbed my coffee and as I walked back past the office I looked at the mess left from last night.  There were stacks of papers relating to real estate, files that had contained the papers and to which they will need to be returned, medical records and miscellaneous receipts..  I had printed various forms and worksheets that were scattered among the stacks which added to the mess.  The new Eurolounger was loaded from one end to the other with papers and the boxes that had contained them.  Ya know, there has to be a better way.

I said to heck with it - this is Saturday, for cryin' out loud, and I'm gonna relax.  I shoved all the little piles into a big pile and things started looking better.  I know, that means more work later trying to sort through it but I now have all the information I need listed in the proper places on a gazillion forms so maybe I'll just put it all in a box and label it "2010 Tax Mess."  If I get audited someday I'll just hand them the box and let the government deal with it.  After all, the mess exists because they require me to keep all this stuff.  It should be up to them to sort it out.  There.  Finished.  The box will join the other mislabeled and unopened boxes on the floor of the garage and it'll fit right in.  Someday I'm gonna build some shelves and sort it all out, but not today.  It's just too pretty a day and the Sun is shinning.

I think Carolyn and I will go play in the Sun while we still can.   Why don't you join us?

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