Friday, January 21, 2011

Going to the Dogs (for dinner)

Carolyn and I are settling in quite nicely.  We have met and informally entertained several of the neighbors and are feeling comfortable waving at the folks who drive by as we stroll on pleasant days.  The hardest part of the move, leaving behind old friends, is in the rear view mirror and the first baby steps in our new life have been taken.  We're good to go but until today poor Muffy was the sole occupant of doggie world.  He had no doggie friends and there is only so much a couple of humans, no matter how hard they try, can do to bring joy to doggie world.

We humans just don't understand the joy of chewing a bone for hours.  We haven't a clue how much fun it is to sneak up behind someone and make him jump just by barking.  We'll never be able to delight in running down and returning a ball for the fifty-eighth time. He has had no friends to sniff.

We went to Doggie Heaven  (see "Dog Run" post)  hoping to find a pack he could run with for an hour or so but the sky was filled with clouds; the only blue to be seen was a pair of boots worn by a not so fashion conscious female high school student who was otherwise dressed in varying shades of green.  Certainly there was no blue in the sky, it was a little chilly and every now and again a few drops of rain fell.  Most folks, those with actual brains between their ears, had chosen to stay inside and dogs were as scarce as blue sky.  It seemed today would end for Muffy the way the others have in this place.  Alone again.  But.........when we came back home today all that came to an end. 

We had not gotten enough of the gray skies so after pulling into the driveway we decided to walk Muffy a bit more .  Our neighbors two doors down the street hailed us and invited us in.  To our surprise they had two dogs on the living room floor!  Muffy now is fast friends with Chardonay and Maggie, and they have invited him back for dinner.  I believe the menu includes chicken and beef flavored bits, followed by water with a cat chaser.

He can't wait to go.

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