Sunday, January 23, 2011

And the winner is.....Me!

We went to Carolyn's sisters' home for the Jets/Steelers game and dinner this evening.  We always enjoy their company no matter if we are there or they are here.  Carolyns' 101 year old mother now lives with her sister and the three of them are closer to each other than commuters on a completely full regional jet.

Mom is an amazing lady.  She lived on her own until the summer of 2010, well past her hundredth birthday.  Carolyn and her sister spent that birthday with her and attended her party. They watched as the mayor handed her a key to the city and a transit pass which entitled her to free fares for life.  She was able to use the pass but never found a lock that the key would open. 

We spent Christmas and rang in 2010 with her.  She was still able to walk four blocks to buy her groceries, catch the bus to visit her banker and her Doctors and could easily manage her finances.  Not bad for someone that has been breathing the air on this planet for more than a century.   The last six months have taken a toll on her mentally and even though she's still in great health, sadly, she remembers only her daughters. 

When the three of them are together her condition melts away as does Carolyn's.  The house is filled with girlish giggles and Richard and I are left to fend for ourselves.  We play pool, design intricate machines capable of drying wet boots with high efficiency, solve the worlds problems, heal the sick, raise the dead and bet on football games.  It's a good life and since someone has to do these things, we thank the Good Lord for giving these tasks to us.

Usually our bets are for a dollar but today was the divisional playoffs.  I have to tell you, this really means something to the cosmos and I doubted the universe would survive if the Jets won.  I voiced my concerns to Richard, who having somehow survived his birth and formative years in New York city, assured me not only would the sun come up on Monday if the Jets won, the world would be a much better place because of it.  Global warming would cease.  We would discover copious amounts of oil next to an existing pipeline and only 53 feet below the surface.  Also, if these small improvements were not enough, there was one more thing; he would be five dollars richer and I would be poorer by that amount.

Well, the game is over.  There is much wailing and gnashing of teeth coming from the general direction of New York and I'm five dollars richer.  Wish me luck 'cause we'll repeat the manly ritual in two weeks.


  1. Oh yes. How well I remember Carolyn's mother going flying wtih you and coming to visit the hangar while spending the summers with your and Carolyn. Of course she was only in her upper 90s then. Still a kid at heart.

    I don't think the Universe would have survived a Jets win. :o) With that $5, you can now afford two cups of coffee.

  2. Yeah. Thanks for reminding me of that flight. I turned to yoke over to her and she flew the plane for 20 minutes or so. Later that afternoon a trip to the hospital was needed to calm her down. She was so excited about being a pilot her heart skipped a beat or two and getting her back on the ground invloved some heavy drugs!

  3. I never knew that part of the story. She was fun to have around. We always talked about the time I spent in the NE when she was visiting.
