Monday, March 7, 2011


I filled up the Guzzler today.  It's getting to the point I stop and top off the tank after every sixty miles or so.  If I find myself driving right by my favorite Plum Fierce station and the gauge reads three quarters or less, why wait?  Someone will just add a nickle to today's price by tomorrow afternoon.  Plain silliness if you ask me.  Haven't we fought two wars over the course of the last ten years just so gas prices won't go up?

 I'm absolutely astounded our government still allows calls to be placed on oil futures without demanding 100% payment of today's price of all the oil involved in the contract at the time it's placed.  That would stop any speculation.  Let the traders put their money where our young mens lives have been given. 

Instead, we're being primed for ANOTHER war, that of "helping the Libyans" by bombing the tar out of the antiaircraft batteries and enforcing a no fly zone.  I saw discussion today of the costs involved, between 1 and 9 billion per year depending on how it's accomplished, followed by an explanation that it would be cheaper to engage in this manner than it would be to pay the higher price for gasoline at the pumps.  The world is upside down.  Bomb the Libyan countryside so Qudaffyduck can show pictures of dead women and children to the rest of the Arab world but let the traders roll in the dough. 

We've been spending billions,  sacrificing young American men, and paying bribes to foreign corrupt politicians for more than a decade and I say we're not getting our moneys worth. I'm just a little peeved about it all.  I'd write my Representative but he's too busy kissing wealthy butts to care.  I'd write my Senator but he's too busy kissing wealthy butts and putting the blame on the guy in the other party to listen.  Writing the President won't help much - all he'll do is make a speech about it.  No action from that figure.  Mattel could never pay a dividend selling Obama GI Joes.  None of our fearless leaders have a clue how we got in this mess and no body in the whole universe is smart enough to get us out of it.  And anyway, all of them are too busy with Continuing Budget Resolutions to handle other problems. 

It's hard to believe, but good intentions and sincere people, duped by the greedy, got us here.  Aw, heck with it.  I think I'll go design a real zero point energy generator.  That's got to be easier than fixing what we have.

On second thought, I'm gonna fill a tall glass with ice cream and root beer and afterwards just go to bed.  Tomorrow's another day, bringing with it another chance to occupy myself with a different matter.  Maybe the whole thing will go away by itself.  Goodness knows the more we try to fix stuff the more broken it gets.  Tonight I'm ready to be beamed up.  This planet is well done and we need a whole new world to mess up.

Where are the Aliens when ya need 'um?  I want a ride.


  1. The wife likes to get up early and use her water rower before we go to work. It's set up in front the of the TV, so she watches Pundit Theater (what we call it) on one of the news channels.

    They had on an oil expert, an economist who's tracked oil price fluctuations for his entire career. They also had an oil trader on. Both agreed -- going around the globe to get energy is _stupid,_ and America needs to get off oil.

    Everybody knows it but the pols, who've been paid to not know it. But eventually we'll face the truth -- one way or another.

  2. Totally agree, Boomer. And, I have an action plan - 'course nobody ever asked me for it.

    Bring home all the troops. Set half of them to work drilling new wells so we can keep running for a while longer. Set the other half building nuke plants to bring more clean electric online.

    While this is going on, turn the best and brightest into energy experts. Until you pal around with these guys you have no idea what they can do. Their brillance knows no bounds, but they are doing nothing but weapons (many, many different fields in all diciplines) research.

    If we do these simple things I believe the new technologies will be available by the time they are needed. We have the manpower, brains and other rescources needed to pull it off but we lack the political will.

    We're gonna croak because a bunch of old fat cats will not allow change.
