Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Crazy by the Dozen

Wow.  It's gettin' a little weird out there.  Here's a lady that swiped some poor guys foot after an auto accident so she could feed her dog!   http://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/Medic-Sued-For-Swiping-Foot-From-Crash-Victim-117577194.html?dr

Now I realize the economy is a little rough these days - OK, I'll agree, it's totally screwed up.  But this lady had a job that should have paid enough to allow the purchase of some dog food.  I'm beginning to believe that for every one percent increase in the world's population there's an increase of three percent in the population of people without a clue.  You've seen and maybe even met them.  Sometimes they get paid to clean your teeth.

This highly educated professional should have been taught in school that it just isn't right to use someone else's credit card to buy something.  He was clueless enough to stand around and wait for a pizza but he never got it.  The cops arrived before the pizza.  He would probably do better next time if he tries to get away with a burger to go instead. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/41953908/ns/us_news-weird_news/   I wrote about the price of groceries just the other day but this good Doctor had over two hundred and fifty bucks in his wallet when he was hauled off to the pokey. Crazy clueless. 

I'm not sure, but I think cluelessness is a relatively modern affliction.  It used to be that people actually needed some minimum level of brain function to survive and reproduce.  All that is required in these times is to have had a mother at some point in your life.  There's plenty of food and clothing just laying around so very little in the way of attention span or gray matter is really necessary for existence.  The proof of the truth in that statement is easily obtained in any newspaper you happen to hold in your hand.  That assumes, of course, you are able to read. 

The two examples above were of highly functioning individuals whom you would have never expected to be clueless.  But, cluelessness also is exhibited in varying degrees ranging from occasionally clueless to hasn't got a clue and, at a lower level, Alicia Silverstone clueless.  Beyond that is hopelessly clueless and finally, down right dumb.

I fall somewhere in the "Hasn't got a clue" range of the spectrum.  This is because I still have hope even though all the evidence says "hopeless."  Charlie Sheen just barely fits in the "hopelessly clueless," avoiding "downright dumb" just  because his bank account is larger than mine.  He must have done something right somewhere along the way.  Picking a well to do and well connected father usually means you escape being in the lowest category.

Cluelessness makes life kinda fun most of the time, and I enjoy it in myself and in others.  Every now and again I find myself sort of spastically jerking my head and thinking to myself  "What?" when I hear or see something a little strange.  Then, I'll usually quietly chuckle to myself.  Go to an American Civil War re-enactment or to a Society for Creative Anachronism event some day.  You'll enjoy it even though it's obvious these people really mean it.  If given the choice, they'd hop in a time machine - and not come back.

Goodness knows I was happy to come across the little tales at the beginning of this post.  Not much else in the news today made me chuckle. 

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