Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Dog Days of Winter

I'll bet you looked at that title and said, "Huh?  Didn't he get that a little wrong?"  Nope.  Dog days of winter is what I meant.  We have had temperatures in the upper forties for the last two days and it has remained above freezing during the night.  That means the snow has melted and we can see actual lawn and dirt - and dog poop.  So, this morning I spent a couple of hours with my Super Dooper Pooper Scooper and a couple of plastic grocery bags I recycled all by myself.  I believe Super Dooper Pooper Scooper is the real name of the handy thingamabob I use.  The name is much cuter than it's function.  Back and forth I patrolled, always on the look out for a new pile.  The back was done and then on to the front. 

We live on a corner lot so the front is a little larger than the rear lawn.  Also, the poops were much larger.  The neighbors must be fond of horse sized doggies and I'm sure they congregate at our place to take care of business.  The job in this area required two bags.  Of course, the neighbors waved and smiled as I toiled.  Ha - just wait til I see them cleaning their yards - I'll be sure to smile and wave at them.  I bet the horses congregate over there too.      

I also had to spend a lot of time with our mutt, Muffy, today.  That's him, there on the left.  He needs a hair cut in this picture, and usually he forgoes the part in the middle of his head. 

Since he was imprisoned in the garage while his master and I went to our Chinese Torture class for some exercise today, he made good use of the time by working on the Guzzler Deluxe.  Or maybe he spent time trying to  improve the job I did on the freshly greased rails that support the rollers for the door.  Or it could have been he was the referee  in a greased pig competition.

Actually, I not really sure he was working.  He may have been trying to escape for all I know.  I am sure he got a bunch of grease in his hair.  It was in his tail, on all his paws, behind an ear, where he must have scratched, and all along one flank. I enjoyed the movie "Grease" but we have a newly installed carpet so I do not enjoy the dog "Grease."  A bath was in order.

Anyone who owns, or has owned, a dog  has always wanted to be wealthy beyond millionaire status.  Way beyond.  Why?  Because it's nice to be able to afford to pay someone else to give the dog a bath.  Since we do not have that kind of cash stashed in our mattress, I am the designated doggie bather in this household.  That's in addition to my main job, that of Pooper Scooper Wielder. 

So, another hour and a half went to the dogs applying shampoo, rubbing and cursing and then using the scissors to remove the oily substance from his body.  Thank Goodness he fits in the sink and that we have one of those spray doohickeys that can be pulled out to spray where ever it's needed the most.  Then came the towels, hair blower and brushes.  After today, we're ready for the Eukanuba National Championship.  Too bad it's not being held until December 17th this year, and it's on the other side of the country. 

Maybe we'll imprison him again on the 16th of December and.........


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