Friday, July 1, 2011

Slowing Down

It's becoming more difficult as time passes to find the opportunity to sit at my computer and write.  More and more, my mind is occupied with other demands in my life. 

I am not able to devote the energy to this blog that I was able to do when I started it.  I still want to write every now and again, but future posts will be further apart, and their spacing will be determined by the time I have to spend here.  For those of you who have stopped by daily, thanks.

And, please check back every once in a while.  I apologise, but there are other facets in the current situation that require more of my attention.


  1. Forrest, your output has been more prodigious than 99 percent of the bloggers I'm familiar with. I certainly understand, and will continue to check back. Good fortune to you in the time ahead.

  2. Thanks, Boomer. Not only were you a major inspiration for me, you have also been a wonderful source of encouragement. I look forward to future visits, and of course, I'll see ya at your place!
