Friday, February 18, 2011

Wet 'N Wild

We were finally able to get to the swimming pool for the first time today.  Not knowing what to expect, Carolyn packed something that looked a lot like a reusable supermarket bag. 

That thing was bigger than your average staying-away-from-home-for-a-month suitcase and by the time she was finished  it weighed about 86 pounds.  No, I shouldn't exaggerate.  It was closer to 20 pounds but for a guy in my physical  condition it may as well have been 86 pounds.  But, it is not the duty of a man to question all the paraphernalia a woman takes with her on any journey.  It is his duty only to be the pack animal in charge of moving it along as she travels. 

I learned this the hard way.  Once, on an extended trip, I helped my wife to pack.  By that I mean every time she put something in the suitcase I asked if she really needed it.  We wound up packing one less suitcase and I was certain I had done both of us and several bellhops a huge favor.  Well, at the time the dollar was worth much less in Pounds Sterling than it is today and as we shopped to replace all the items that had been left at home, one after the other, I realized I was not as smart as I had thought.  Now I know the rules. She Packs. I Carry.

We got to the pool and I struggled to lift the bag to my shoulder while helping her to balance.  We teetered through the automatic door and up to the admission counter.  Vickie, whom we met last week,  remembered  and greeted us by name!  How cool is that?  She pointed to a door that led to the water and we were off.

Our street clothes went on top of everything that was in the bag, the bag went onto a pool chair that was in plain sight and our bodies went into the water.  At first the 84 degree water was a little cool but we soon adjusted to it. We paddled back and forth for about forty-five minutes and then made a bee line for the spa.  There were several other oldsters hanging around the spa and we met some of them as we warmed up.  All too soon the hour was gone and the time reserved for old fogies at the facility was exhausted.  The teens were in a hurry to start splashing and dunking so we got out of the way.   I carted the mostly undisturbed contents of the bag back to the car and then back into the house.

I used a bunch of forgotten muscles today, and they are reminding me not to put them away for such long periods.  To tell the truth, almost everything is sore.  The water is much more enjoyable than the Tai Chi while it's happening, but I'm thinking it'll be a while before we're ready for Olympic competition.  The water will help build the muscles and the T-C will improve movement and balance.  It's a combination made by the devil himself, but he made it in heaven. Next time we'll spend a little less time in the pool and a little more in the spa.  We'll be ready for a marathon sometime around 2037. 

And as for the shopping bag?  Next time all that will accompany us are dry towels and sweats.  Carolyn admits we really didn't need the hand cream, M&M's and orange juice!

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