Friday, February 11, 2011

Civilized Behavior

The televised events that have occurred in Northern Africa since the beginning  of the year are remarkable.  In two instances a dictator has lost his grip on a nation and the minimal loss of life astounds me. The civility and patience shown by the protesters are a credit to them, their society and to the way they look at life. My praise of their deportment  is beyond my ability to put into words. This civilized behavior is the hallmark of a great people.

Compare this to what has happened in other areas of the world when peoples found the will to topple an oppressor and battled to toss their shackles aside.  Revolts and uprisings in Central and South American countries during the last decade would have filled several Arlington's if  the dead had been transported there for burial.  When it last happened in Europe, during the 1930's and 40's, mostly the shackles were exchanged for newer models and still millions died. 

I vividly recall the last time people in our country took to the streets during the Civil Rights and Free Speech Movements of the mid 1960's, and can remember when those outbursts morphed into the antiwar protests of the later 60's and early 70's.  The very vocal, but mostly peaceful,  protesters were met with police batons across our country from Selma, Alabama to Chicago, Illinois. Every night there was TV footage of bandaged heads and broken bodies.  The bodies and heads had been broken by the force of their own government.   In Ohio the protesters were dealt a salvo of bullets that left four students dead on the ground.  I also lived through Ruby Ridge and Waco.  The dead had to be picked up off the ground in those places too.

I know how our government deals with protesters.  I have witnessed it in real time and it's not pretty.  If we compare the tactics I have seen our government use on it's citizens to those Mubarak used on his citizens.......well, you figure it out. 

I wonder if our leaders have learned anything since those times.  Have our leaders become any more civilized?  What would be their behavior in a comparable situation?  Would they leave peacefully, as they advised Mubarak to do, if the people of this country were to again take to the streets?  If, after allowing the take over of this nation by monied  interests and gutting the middle class, would our leaders bow to the will of the people and walk away from power if the people rose up to protest?  Would our leaders give food and shelter to the hungry and homeless or would the starving be treated to bullets and bayonets? Would the people again be met by military force instead of fairness and compassion?

Just which leaders are more civilized, ours or theirs?

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