Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Best Wishes

What he said: 
"I will use the remaining months of my term in office to fill the peoples' demands,"  A direct quote from Mr. Hosni Mubarak. 

What I heard: 
"Leave me alone.  I need a little more time to steal the gold and get it out of the country." A direct quote from yours truly.

In any case, the Egyptian peoples are to be congratulated on the success of their first baby steps toward democracy.  It's the first time in history these folks have been able to voice their wishes and have their leader listen.  And, Egyptian history goes back a long way.   I think Charlton Heston was the last guy to tell the boss in Egypt to kiss off and that happened several thousand years ago.

My hope is that you realize your hope.  I want for you a free nation, one that allows you to do as you please so long as you harm no one and do not impose your beliefs on anyone else.  A nation that will provide meaningful work and a comfortable life to everyone that is willing to do a days work.   A nation that allows freedom of thought AND worship.

Here's your chance.  Don't let anyone take it from you.  The military, one of the finest in the world, has said they're on your side.  Let them protect you from those that would take away the freedom that has taken you thousands of years to aquire.  But protect yourselves from them.

One other thing - Don't stop until Mubarak is gone and be careful your gold does not leave with him.

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