Monday, February 28, 2011

Running Scared

We got a check in the mail today.  It doesn't matter who you are, that's a nice way to start the day.   Of course we had to put it in the bank, and that made for a great excuse to get out of the house.  We bundled up, in hopes we could protect ourselves from the force of the 23 degree, 28MPH wind, hopped into the Guzzler, and drove to the bank.

Before we actually moved here, and while we were still house hunting, my realtor in New Mexico called with great news.  He had sold one of our properties and needed us to sign and return a bunch of paperwork.  Since I am a world renowned real estate tycoon - Donald Trump is barely able to surf in the wake I create - I knew without being told that our signatures would need to be notarized.  When the papers arrived we walked into the closest bank we could find and asked if they could help.  Naturally both of their notaries were taking their lunch together but, if we could wait forty-five minutes, they would be happy to assist us.  I figured any bank that would allow all their notaries to leave the building at the same time was itself out to lunch and we declined.

We hit the jackpot with the next bank.  They notarized our signatures and when I asked how much we owed I was told "Oh, this service is free for all our customers."  I explained to her we did not yet live in the area and sadly, were not customers, and again asked what we owed.  Her reply was one I did not forget.  "Oh, but you are customers.  You needed me to notarize a document."  When we moved, her bank was where we opened our accounts.  That's the place we drove to today.  It is filled with happy, caring and courteous tellers and supervisors.

When we got there we were greeted by one of the supervisors, one who's face always lights up as she greets us by name and who I know had an appendix removed Thursday, February 17th.  I know this because we missed her greeting when we were last in, on the 18th, and inquired about her absence.  We were surprised to see her and I commented to her that having an appendix pulled out was usually good enough excuse for a month off work.  Her reply made me cringe for all the folks her age who still have jobs.

"I took a couple of days off but was back in last Tuesday.  We get four or five applications everyday and I can't afford to miss work."

Holy Christmas.  Her appendix was removed on Thursday and she was back on her feet all day long on Tuesday because she was afraid of losing her job.  What has happened to this country?

Thirty-five or forty years ago I had a hernia surgery.  I took the six weeks off the Doctor said I needed without worrying about my job.  Fifteen years ago I wrenched my back and that left me laying down for the better part of three months.  Again, I was not concerned about my job. 

I see her, working at a time both of us know she should be resting in bed, and I worry for her.  I have another friend who had surgery on her foot and is unable to walk without a lot of help.  She is home, only because she can't drive, but her employer needs her to continue working while she lays in bed!  She is doing it for much the same reason - can't afford to take the time off.

The Governors of several states in this fine nation of ours are pressing for total control of the working conditions of their employees.  Most all the youngsters in this great nation are running scared.  Afraid of losing the jobs that pay less and less each year and require more and more of their efforts.  How much more will the younger workers in this country have to give? What else will the modern day Simon Legrees' demand of them?  Is not their youth and health enough?

If you have not already done so, do this gray haired old coot a favor and read "Uncle Tom's Cabin."   You will learn much about evil bosses that care only for themselves.  That's what's happening in this country now.  I don't even need to work anymore but ya know what?

I'm running scared too.


  1. Forrest, so good of you to stop by by blog and add your wonderful insights and information. Yes, what is happening to our country, and the greed that seems to feed it.

  2. To a certain degree, you are correct about employers demanding more for less. However, on the medical front an appendix is now a laproscopic procedure where you go home either the same day or the next day and in 3 days time, you're as good as new. Had my gall bladder removed and a hernia fixed that way as a two for one deal two years ago. I was home in my own bed 2 hours after I woke up in recovery and was back to work in a couple of days.

    You are correct about some businesses and government entities trying to break the unions and collective bargaining agreements. I've worked the same jobs in the past in a "right to work" non-union setting, then in a closed shop union setting. My non-union wage were starvation wages and exactly 40% of what I made as a Union Operating Engineer doing exactly the same job. Unions and Collective Bargaining are products of bad management, but don't in themselves make for a good working environment either. Everyone is painfully familiar with the promotion of the unfit within an union environment where all workers are equal. Union excesses and heavy handedness cause the businesses to try to break the unions just the same as bad management creates a basis for forming unions. It's a never ending tug of war between management and labor to find that balance.

    And then there is my employer, where the last 3 democratic presidents have simply stepped in and frozen my wages cause they thought it would be good for the economy. Well, it certainly isn't helping my economics to get no raise for 2 years. But would I trade it for a union? Not yet. Both systems have their injustices.

    Wow. You must have hit a nerve today! ;o)

  3. 'Morning, Jeff. I'm reminded of the Star Trek Movie when Scottie looks at the keyboard of the computer and murmurs "How quaint" as he starts to type. Is it really no big deal to have an appendex removed these days? Guess I should have taken longer to produce a herneia.

    As for touching a nerve, that's my new job description! You've known me for years, Jeff, and know I get passionate about stuff. I'm really edgy these days when I look around and see such inequality and see the innocents being abused. I spent too many years in management, and not enough just workin' for the man. I've been both places and know who's side I'm on at this point of the pendulum's arc. I reserve the right to switch sides if it starts swinging too far the other way.

    Stay honest, old firend, I love ya just the way you are. Besides, it's not much fun to preach to the choir all the time!

  4. Welcome back, Rosaria. I was on a tear yesterday and hope I did not step on toes at your place. I must take more Valium........

  5. It's the fear, Forrest. Everybody's feeling it. Skipping vacations, staying on the job instead of taking time off. The notion -- sadly true for many, especially those of us who are older -- that if you stumble and fall, you might not be able to get up again. This is the shadow on our shoulder.

  6. Boomer - I went back to read your work. Yes, it's the same thing. May I? I hope you don't mind.

    Mr. Blackview said it much better than I ever could - check it out.
