Friday, August 5, 2011

Evil Knievel

We had a very interesting night, and I'll leave you hanging.  Suffice it to say we were tied up for a while.  No disaster, but instead a problem easily remedied.  And that, folks, is why I started thinking of a problem that is not so easily remedied. 

Today the Dow average dropped 512 points.  Over the last two weeks it's lost 10% of it's value. Why is that?  An easy question for once.  Jerks in DC, PIIGS, wealthy folks not willing to pay their share of the freight.  And, all the while, most bought off main stream media screaming as loudly as possible, "Leave the billionaires alone.  We need them to buy more jets and big boats.  They are the ones who create jobs, ya know, they don't know how to fly the planes or drive the boats.  They hire, like, um, servants and stuff.  Fer God's sake don't bother them." 

Well, they claim something close to that - you'd never hear that kinda truth on TV.   Here's the truth as I see it, and I'll take the risk of being called a goof ball, anarchist lunatic.  The Dow's gonna fall another 20% or much, much more.  Gold is gonna go to $2000/ounce.  Rioting will occur, but not be reported, in many rust belt streets.  All by the time St. Nick slips down the chimney. And, just maybe we're gonna look back at this tiny vision of the near future and wish with all our might that that's all that occurred.   It could be a whole, whole lot worse. 

I've said somewhere before that I wish I could buy a ton of gold.  I've instead settled for a couple hundred cans of Spam and tuna fish.  Along with several fairly high stacks of rice and beans.  Oh yeah, don't forget - enough ammo to bag enough fresh meat until it's all been eaten.  Full disclosure is required at the end of this paragraph.  I am considered by many of my immediate family members to be a little off.  One short of 52.  They put up with me 'cause they've known me for a while.  And because every now and again I've been right. 

How's that for being a dare devil?   Ol' Evil Knievel has nothing on me.  'Course he has more broken bones.  I'm a chicken at heart.............

Update:  That didn't take long...

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