Monday, June 13, 2011

102 and Counting

Carolyn's mom just celebrated her one hundred and second birthday.  First time in my short life I've been able to sing happy birthday to a 102 year old person of any gender.

I know, you're gonna tell me that's not so much, and you're right.  I've sang Happy Birthday to a 100 year old and to a 101 year old lady.  And, from the way it looks, I'll be able to claim a 103 year old this time next year.  There's no giving up in the old girl, no end in sight.

Twelve of us helped her get through the dinner, including two much younger friends who flew in from Montreal, Quebec, Canada.  We've known and visited them for years.  The only place a guy can eat smoked meat from Schwartz's is on Rue Saint-Laurent in Montreal, and it only makes sense to hop on the Metro, transfer from the Orange line to the Green at Berri-Uqam and walk the block and a half from the Jolicquer station to their home in Verdun for a  cup of tea and a wonderful afternoon watching folks prance in the park across the street after grabbing a sandwich there.  If you ever find yourself in Montreal, stop at Schwartz's for a bite - trust me.   Just don't eat the fries. 

We managed to find a table for twelve at the Aspen Ridge country club just outside Sisters, OR. and they did a pretty good job of putting up with us.  The food in no way approached the fare at Schwartz's, but the menu was much more varied.  I'm a simple guy, so I ordered the Steak Sandwich off the bar menu.  Others tasted Salmon, Chicken fixed some special way, and some sort of fancy scallops.  I personally never eat anything that swims in it's toilet, so I have no way to comment on it's quality.   I'm a leftneck, remember? 

We did encounter one small problem.  The wine glasses hold about 12 ounces of the Red stuff, and one of the waiters filled her glass almost completely full.  At least she didn't snore as the rest of us ate the last course, the chocolate birthday cake. 

Birthdays and old friends from afar always make for pleasant days.  Even though it was a long day for Carolyn, she enjoyed herself.  That means I enjoyed the day as well.  Later this week, other old friends from New Mexico will arrive.  They are on the way as I write this. 

Old friends, family, special times.  That's really what it's all about.  Oh yeah, heat and food count for something, but who needs much more? 



  1. Congratulation and a belated "Happy Birthday" to Carolyn's mom

  2. Thanks, Pam. I'll show her a pic of you and let her know you said Hi. How's Bob doing these days?

  3. Making memories, good ones, is what life's all about. In the end, there's nothing more precious. Glad the two of you made some good ones.

  4. 'Bout all an old fart has left is his memories. I've been so fortunate in life. Mine are pretty good!
